Is Jojoba oil, applied neat to skin or used as a cleanser, really effective in preventing acne? Can it be used to treat existing pimples? Any tips/advice about how to apply it, how often, time of day etc.?How effective is pure Jojoba oil in treating acne?
I'm an esthetician. You don't want to use jojoba oil to treat your acne. The only oil that will will bring any sort of calmness to the breakouts is tea-tree oil. If you're looking for a inexpensive way to clear up your skin, purchase Dial antibacterial hand soap. (the orange colored one) It has an ingredient called triclosan which will help to clear up break outs. After cleansing, dot tea-tree oil on the breakouts. Let dry. Then you HAVE TO USE A MOISTURIZER!! If you let your skin get too dry, it will begin to protect itself by holding onto any oil that it produces. Use an oil-free moisturizer at least once a day. Cetafil is a drugstore brand that works well. Hope this helps.How effective is pure Jojoba oil in treating acne?
Jojaba oil seems to work for me. I use about a small dab on any affected areas but I avoid the back and anything covered by clothing because the heat increases acne. It works by absorbing light and essentially killing bacteria directly by cooking them.
Good Luck,
BTW nutmeg and milk drinking and mask are even better.
If you can get your hands on some jojoba extract that would be good for your skin. Oil is not healthy for your skin. also lot of the products out there may get rid of your acne, but are terrible for your skin because they have so many chemicals in them. If you have overactive pores you should a calmer face cleanser. I use France Laure. you might find it at a dermatologist office.
It might work in some people, but they would be the exception. It should make your acne worse. If it doesn't, use it.
Oil + acne = worse.
No matter what. Because oil clogs your pores even further. Proactive works great for acne, or you can use something like neutrogena face wash that is orange and comes with a pump on top, and use that and oxy pads during the day when you feel your skin getting oily again. Other than that, go talk to a dermatoligist and find out what they recommend for your skin specifically.
Do NOT put jojoba oil on your acne! It is an oil and will block your pores making your problem way, way worse.(Who told you to do that? Don't listen to them ever again...) Here is how to help get rid of acne: You need to see a dermatologist pronto.( If you have the cash get IPL treatments at a laser clinic it cures acne in 4 to 6 treatments at 400$ a pop. it is the most fantastic invention EVER for acne and rosacia.) If you can't get that done my advice is to see a dermatologist and go to an aestetician for regular treaments, they will help you out. Good luck and stay away from that oil!
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