Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best way to treat acne scars?

scarsWhat is the best way to treat acne scars?
buy the cheapest cream you can find, like in !Litre containers

Put it on every day and in 15 years your scars be hardly noticeable.

Otherwise don't get them

I hope this can help. It’s a paste job from my notes so good luck.

How to stop Acne in its tracks:


1. Liquid soap on a sponge is better than cake soap.

2. The alcohol is available from the hardware store

Acne is caused by oil clogging pores in the skin. Attack this oil source and acne will be more easily to control. Diet also plays a part so lay off the rich foods.

The oil comes from your scalp under the hair. It creeps down your skin to clog pores. This is why the face and shoulders get acne.

To get rid of oil, wash your scalp with a good shampoo for oily scalp/hair, massaging your scalp and rinse off the oil. You should do this at least 25 times a month, meaning shower every day. You may want to include using a special scalp medical shampoo say 2-3 times per month (eg anti dandruff).

Note the shampoo is selected to get rid of oil, if your hair becomes dry, then use a conditioner to suit dry hair. You need to find a conditioner to suit the consequence of showering every day.

Shower and conditioner your hair first, and then wash the residue off your skin starting from the face and going down. It is important that you shampoo your scalp before the rest of your body, so that the oil is removed from your body afterwards.

Alcohol is a great sterilizing wipe to clean existing oils from your skin also, as some of the oils come from the skin. But don’t overdo it as could dry the skin.

(as a guide I suggest only use alcohol after the pimple patrol below)

Severe Acne sufferers should see a chiropractor as neck miss-alignment can cause acne, especially along the jawbone.

How to stop Acne scarring:


Find the volcano centre part of the pimple by rolling the shank of a pin or needle across the pimple. Gently centre it in a squeeze then using the sterilized pin, prick the centre of the pimple. You may have to prick 3 to 5 mm deep at right angles to the skin, depending on the size of the pimple. The idea is to lance the pimple, to make a hole for the infection to come out. Squeeze the infection out of the hole, just like a volcano erupting. Because the skin has a hole, it is not tearing and there will be no scarring as long as you haven’t squeezed too hard. Remember the idea is to make a hole for it to come out, so the hole has to be accurate and into the infection core.

Any pimples that are difficult hit it with an Acne cream and try again the next day.

Sterilize the skin with alcohol.

With skill you can find these volcano centres under the skin before they are really noticeable. I suggest doing a pimple patrol on Wednesdays so you are cool for the weekend.

A good psych is to say “Good riddance Freeloader” on each success.What is the best way to treat acne scars?
cocoa butter is good for scars, but i'm not sure if they have one for your face...
laser treatment can be an effective way
well, if you're still young they should heal eventually.

Also some foods you eat can repair the skin slowly.

Another alternative is to buy some creams for the scars, they sell them at pharmacies.
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out for more useful info.

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