Have a friend bite them offHow to treat acne FAST!!!?
you can do 2 things. 1- buy ';acne free'; it's a 3 pc kit like proactive, works the 1st time you use it. 2- take a wash cloth, run it under HOT water (as hot as your face can handle), and then ring it out and press it against your face, and apply pressure to the parts of your face where you have the most acne. You can also do both like i do. I do the washcloth thing, then i apply the acne free to my face, and it works perfectly!
Here is a quick way to clear up your acne fast: When I have a bad breakout and i need to go somewhere, I use baking soda. You squirt some of your face wash into your hand, add about a tablespoon of baking soda on top of it and mix it together. Wash your face as usual. If you do it before you go to bed, it will be notacibly smaller and less red by morning. It always works for me.
Well, I use this Clean%26amp;Clear cleanser and it works fantastic and fast for me. But it tends to dry out skin, so I suggest you buy the moisturizer too. (It also helps with acne, which is great. :D)
Here are the links:
Ok listen up buddy. You are not going to want to do this, and probably wont until your completely desperate.
Urine helps rid or acne, pimples, rashes, sun burns, peeling, and other skin problems. YES YES you think its GROSS I HEAR YA
But my cousin got rid of REALLY REALLY bad acne, and I mean scary acne, he got rid of it and had clear clear clear beautiful skin within a month. I PROMISE this works.
Just urinate into a cup or bowl (or something you can throw out later or use only for pee lol) and dap it on your face with a soft cloth.
It works. Your urine contains certain chemicals and nutrients from your body that aren't harmful, and they are yours, so they fit YOU and your skin.
I know what you're thinking, ';but thats why we pee it out, cuz we don't need it, how could it possibly help.'; I don't know, but it works, I promise you, you won't regret it. I promise.
THeir is not fast treatmeant for acne...but i will tel you what wil work
stay out of the sun for the sun has rays that causes acne..
stay away from fatt, greasy food.
wash your face three times a day not to much becuase your face gets to dry and overproduces oils
or toothpaste also works....slighly..but its not going to cure it over night..and will take over 4 weeks..maybe months
Don't use toothpaste! It could dry it out too much, causing your skin to overcompensate with even more oil= two pimples more.
I swear by Queen Helene Mint Julip Masque. Its amazing as an allover mask and works wonders as an overnight spot treatment.
To reduce redness, use visine on the pimple. It sounds crazy, but it works.
Go to a local dermatologist and ask that exact question, they will give you something high quality. unfortunately it will probably be more around $50 dollars because of the appointment.
injectable .. you must go to your dermatologist if you want to treat your acne within 5 days. :)
you need an exfoliating cleanser.
it takes off the top layer of your skin so oil can escape and not build up.
it will make your face dry and peely so use LOTS of moisturizer
clean and clear :) it's not really expensive if you get it from wal-mart o-o
it'll at least up most of it :D not over $20 o.o
1 is less than $10, forgot what it's called @.@
umm wash your face at night and then use a toner, your skin should look beautiful :]
sulphuric acid.
benzoyl peroxide
toothpaste !
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