Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I treat acne?

i have tried everything!!! any suggustens?How do I treat acne?
You have to treat that fast to avoid permanent scars.

What i recommend you is to see a dermatologist, because they can give you the prescription for the product i recommend you, The name is Roaccutane, that product will permanently remove all your pimple of your face for life. The treatment takes from 6 to 9 months aprox, depending on your skin condition, if it is severe or not. The dermatologist use that product if you keep having acne problems, because it is that good that will makes you do not visiting them again. So if you go to a dermatologist i recommend you that you tell him or her that you want that product, because they will start with soft ones and on the end you will have to use that one.

Take in consideration that the treatment may give you in the beginning some headaches and if you have an oily skin, you will feel it dry.

I understand your situation, because i had the same problem and i know how it feels. That makes you to stay every day on your house because of your embarasing. Now i have a baby face with that product, so i recommend you to go direct to the point to your dermatologist and tell him about the Accutane and you will see.

Good LuckHow do I treat acne?
A) Apply sulphur based unguents locally B) Wash with sulphur based soap C) Exercise in order to sweat a great deal D) Expose affected area at least 20 minutes per day to midday sun radiation or UV lamp. If we are talking CYSTIC acne, see a dermatologist for eventual surgical correction and check your hormonal profile which may be out of whack.
Drink mangosteen juice.

This is a natural,powerfull anti-oxident, anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial agent, with many orthe properties. It will protect your immune system (acne bacteria form in the gut) and improve your skin.

Let food be your medicine - Hypoctrates

Drugs are dangerous and foods, as supplements, are not.
pan oxyl or go to a drematologist

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