Dear friend,
fisrt of all u have to sleep enogh....dont smoke(or try make it less),have a good nutrition...and if u do some sport it will be better...
secound u have to avoid sun shine ...its better if u use sun protection cream which has the SPF ove than 25% ...any kind of course some brands are better ....and every3 hrs renew the cream if u are out of home or office....and even use them if its not a shiny day...
third always wash ur face with some good soap(not cosmetic) after u removing ur make up....cuz make up damage our skin and even some remover use it too.....
forth....usually hydratate ur skin with the cream(its better if u try to use some brand that are not cosmetic brands )....
and at least u can visit a dermatologist...they can help a lot these days
First Q is how old are u and of course male or female and which nationality u have?
-The acne treatment depends on what kind of acne u have...we have many differen treatment for therm...
-First Step is avoid sun shine...u can use some protection cream which has the SPF over than 25%...then if u are a smoker have to decrease the number of them....decrease the fat food u take( food.chips...)....drink enough water (more than 2 lits a day)....wash ur face with no bacter soap(at least twice a day)...if u are a girl dont use bad brand of make up stuff and wash ur make up as soon as possible(even if u use removal cream ).....if u start any mild sport like areobic or even jogging it will make ur skin better....take good nutrition and vegetable....
-secound we have some locolize solution ...they are antibactrial like erythromycin 1% and ....u can use them once every 2 nights on ur acnes(avoid 2 cm around ur eyes and 2 cm around ur mouth including ur nasolabial lines)....
-third u can use systemic antibiotics like tetracyclin or doxi by the order of ur G.P or dermatologist....
-if non of them work or u have cystic acne with scar u have to use a drug calls Actane its full of Vit A , it has his own order and u just can have it by a dermatolog ...
-we have some other treatments like Microdermabration(its usefull for black spots),pilling(deep and superficial) for make the acne and the scar of them goes....
its better if u visit a dermatologist.
Good Luck
P.S:proactive is just a comercial brand ...not very usefulCan anyone tell me the best way to treat acne?
Proactiv is the only thing that has worked for me. It can get expensive though.Can anyone tell me the best way to treat acne?
i would say use proactive, eat healthy and drink plenty of water.
Drink lots of water and clean your face with filtered water.
Microbrasion, any of these spa treatments work. Gycolic facials, talk to someone first, its free.
I clean my face with soap and water after running and use clearasil before bed every night. The sweat is kind of like an oil that can get into your pores and clog it. Trust me it works
well, people tell you all of the things that work for them... Really you won't know untill you try them all but for the best results you might want to go to a dermatoligist and s/he will discuss possible treatments, thats what I did and it worked good once we figured out the correct medicine and creams to use... GOOD LUCK!
Use an exfoliating scrub in the shower. Wash you face every night.
Drink water, try to avoid greasy, salty, and foods with alot of sugar all the time. Try pro active. I've never tried it but it could work.
for treatment, I would recommend proactive
i use it, and it's the first %26amp; only thing that's ever worked for me
erytromicine benzoil peroxide. it works for me perfectly. ask your doctor. u'll love it
Hi i suffer from a very mild case of cums and go's....the last two months ive been visiting a chinese natural medicene doctor. I get lazer therapy which helps scarring and also heals and also acupunture.....they say that acne of whatever form is usually caused because there is an imbalance in the body...sometimes your too stressed or not enuf sleep...acupuncture helps balance all this out and leaves you feeling great.Also i drink chinese cant buy this in the shop it is put together buy the chinese doctor its a mixture of all this wierd stuf...looks like tree leaves and then you boil it..tastes terrible but worth it..also dont drink alcohol and dont smoke..ive stopped these things for 2 weeks now and already my skin is better...goodluck...natural medicene is the key
get rid of oils that you r eating
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