If you have medical insurace, go to a dermatologist and ask them about Accutane. This medication is really the best at getting rid of even the most horrible of cystic acne for anyone. The effect can be completely clear, blemish free skin for years, or even forever.
I must warn you, not all doctors are so eager to perscribe Accutane, especially for females. The drug is usually taken orally (pill form) for 4-6 months, but it can cause liver damage and if you are (or become) pregnant while taking it, your baby has a 99% chance of being horribly disfigured.
But trust me, no one has to walk around with those horrible huge pimples on their face. Accutane is literally amazing.
Another medication a doctor may perscribe before they have you try accutane - is antibiotics. Since this form of acne is caused by a buildup of bacteria and oil at the bottom of your pores, the antibiotics literally kill the bacteria deep in your skin where no soap or water can reach. It usually works very well on most.
Typically, a doctor will not perscribe Accutane unless this method failed to work.
If you don't have medical insurance, the only thing I honestly can recommend is drinking a lot of water daily. The water will clear out your system and work as a flushing agent for the buildup of oil in your pores. Of course keeping your skin clean is also necessary. Neutrogena skin products are honestly the best out there (in my opinion).
If your skin is sensitive, stay away from benzoil peroxide, as this can irritate your skin and cause blemishes to appear more often. Neutrogena uses salicydic acid which is much more gentle and just as effective.
I know I wrote a lot - hope it helps.
Good luck.What is the best way to treat Cystic Acne?
It was a Miracle..!!!!
My son and daughter both had it ..Both tried everything that the dermatolagist prescribed , but nothing worked very well at all..Finally the Dr. prescribed ';Acutane'; which is supposedly a 3/4 month program of pills...My son took it for 2 months and had the 3rd prescription left, so my daughter used it and the 1 month worked for her for a while...Then she got her own prescription (her outbreaks were worse then his)...
That was at least about 10 years ago and they only have mild outbreaks if anything once in a while. It was absolutely worth pushing the Dr. for them since they don't like prescribing it.. There's no reason to go through teenage (or any) years having the embarrasment that they cause...!!!! Plus ~ the more you get, the more scarring you'll end up with.
Neither one of them had any side effects whatsoever ...
Hope this helps.........What is the best way to treat Cystic Acne?
Accutane is good, but it is HIGHLY caustic. I have cystic acne and have taken the maximum dosage and maximum length possible several times throughout my life. My acne still came back. Nothing works for me, but everyone still wants to prescribe Accutane.
Accutane causes birth defects if you get pregnant. You have to sign a contract, use two forms of birth control (one will be an oral pill or device like the nuvaring), and go in monthly for blood tests to ensure your liver is not being destroyed. It can cause lower back problems, joint and muscle aches (it dries you out...literally), and severe dry skin/rash. Currently the drug is being investigated as a link to depression or suicidal thoughts among its users. It's serious stuff.
I'm not telling you to not take it; I just want you to be informed of all the risks involved. I still have lower back problems that I acquired when I first took it. I've been on almost every treatment combination there is for my cystic acne. I just recently found out that I have a blood clotting disorder, so I had to stop my current treatment.
If you are looking for something over the counter, Proactive is the one product that I have used over the years to keep it under control. It worked for my brother and my sister (meaning cleared their cystic acne) and it does a great job of keeping mine under control. It's not entirely gone, but it's definitely NOT cystic anymore. It is expensive, and I stopped using it for a few months to try Murad products because they are cheaper. I ended up mailing my Murad back for the money back guarantee because it didn't work and I went cystic again. I've been back on Proactive for a week and it's so much better.
It won't cure it overnight, but after a few months of consistent use people were commenting on how great my skin was clearing up. Give it a try.
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