Get proactiv it is a little expensive, but totally worth it.How do u treat acne?
Like the first post said, drink water, it helpsHow do u treat acne?
First of all DON'T use astrigents. The more oil you strip, the more your skin will produce to make up for it, and your face will always feel greasy.
Second, clean your phone(s) with alcohol. You'll be surprised by how much dirt comes off of it.
Third, go back to basics as suggested earlier. I have very sensitive skin and use a product you can get at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc. It's called ';Basis.'; They make a bath soap and a foaming face wash. No dyes, perfumes, etc.
Last, wash your face before going to bed at night. It's a dirty, polluted world out there and you're going face first into it every day.
Good luck! Let me know how you do.
I go strictly basic. Basic Soaps with no additives. No additive detergents on my linens and wash my hands and face regularly to avoid any germs infecting exisiting acne. STay away from storng astringnets, perfumes, alsohol base products. You also need to visit a health food store and buys a book on how to eat healthy -- Fiber, Green Tea, ALoe Vera Juice, Veggies, Soy Milk,etc.
Procativ is the only thing that really work in my opinion
You can go to a dermatologist and get a prescription, but you can also try over-the-counter Medicares. Some good ones are Proactiv and Clearasil.
water water water
and maybe anti biotics
cleansers moisterisers
doctor's call thou!
x x x
Depends on the type of acne and the kind of skin you have. I have Cystic acne that doesn't respond well to peroxide products such as proactive. After trying so many different things, I went to the doctor and had her perscribe a lotion called Clyndomyacin or something like that. It works pretty well for me, but I still get a few break outs. And I have to use pure soaps with no fragrance or anything added to it. Pretty much my only options are dove or ivory. But like I said, it really depends on the type of skin and acne you have.
Cleanse your skin daily and eat healthier. If you are going through puberty, just let it pass.
do the following
1- cut back on greasy foods %26amp; if u eat them: WASH UR HANDS
2- put topical lotion/moisteurizer on it
3- use rubbing alcohol/hydogen peroxide
You should probably use a product called Pro-Active, it works right when you put it on.
with ocean water. not salt water, real ocean water. like, from the ocean. move to beach...
i had cystic acne for years. i tried a lot of over the counter products but didnt work me until i used dove soap. my acne gradually cleared up. it really works try it.
you know around 2-3 years ago, i had serious problem with the acnes on my face, i went and visited several doctors, took every kind of medicine that you can think of, but the last thing that i learned is that the best way to fight acne is to have a good regime(less chocolate,less cream and specially less sauce; more fruites and more healthy foods) and if you are under 20 or your acnes don't bother you that much, just leave them alone! (acne is so rife among the boys under 20 and it'll dissapear by 24-25)
I have an acne cure that has won me the best answer three times. Each time, the person said it worked great. I'll copy and paste it below.
Use a hot compress on it, and then use cool water to close the pores. Do the process over and over again, about five or six times. Use soap to wash the area, and then treat it with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. It should be gone within five to six hours.
Clearasil works for me, but it may cause irritation on some people- it stings a little though
all i can say is buy fruits and vegetables, no chocolate, lots of water, and use a wash cloth morning and night to clean your face with hot water. dont make the wash cloth too hot though. this should open your pores. after that make sure your face is still wet and then use this cleanser called ';kiss my face moisture soap';. you can get it at trader joes. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! it makes my skin extremely soft and fresh feeling. make sure you use a wash cloth though or else your face wont get clean. acne is just caused by dirt and oil. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE!! trust me the oils on your fingers will make you break out! well good luck! p.s. try not to stress over it, stress can make you break out as well.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Don't drink a lot of pop. Pop means soda.
clear sil, neutrogena, water, neosporin, ect. Talk to you dermitoligist for further help.
Go to the doctor have him look at it and get a medication face wash for it or go to the dermatoligist!!!! %26gt;sorry if i spelled wrong
%26lt;b%26gt; PROACTIVE
The best way to treat your acne is to go to your dermatologist. Sure there is lots of solution available for treating acne, but your skin may be allergic to some of the acne solutions/medicine that is out today. Therefore, it is best if you let your dermatologist prescribe something for you to be on the safe side.
with caution
Proactiv..... it totally works!!! it removes acne when you put it on!!!!
Proactiv, Clearasil, Neutrogena u can get these at like Walmart or any of those drug stores
U can also go ask ur doctor to give u a prescription medicine that could treat acne. Good luck
By the way chocolate, soda and whatever does not cause acne, hormones do.
ihave a lot of acne same question new answers plz!!!
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