Toothpaste is very limited in it's helpfulness. Yes, the paste form (not gels) will dry your skin, but it also clogs pores, so this is like a LAST resort - have nothing else in the house and a big date tomorrow - kind of thing, because you can get more blemishes in the area in a few days from clogging the surrounding pores overnight. (Yes, it takes just that long.) If you are pushed to the point of using toothpaste, try baking soda paste (just a little baking soda and water) instead. Same drying affect, less chemicals.Can toothpaste be used to treat acne?
If you have a really bad pimple, you can put some toothpaste on it (I recommend Colgate-regular--the white stuff) and it will help draw the infection out and make it less red. It's not something you would use as your only acne treatment.Can toothpaste be used to treat acne?
Yes, it will dry out your pores. It has to be flouride, though. Just put it on your face right before you go to bed and wash it off when you wake up.
i would not suggest it since some toothpaste actually bleach the skin of its natural colour and others burn literally!! and leave your skin looking terrible.
Yes it can be used to clear up a few pimples but if you have bad acne..then no i wouldn't suggest it. Go to a dermatologist*
Toothpaste is also a known cure to clear up ';hickeys'; as well. Put some on , about 10min later wash a few times in the day and voila* the hickey disappears*
Yes, some swear by it... put in on sparingly at night and it helps dry out the problem areas.
Yes, it really works. I know from personal experience.
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