i have seen my dermotologts for this..... NO FOODS GREASY OR NOT DO NOT CAUSE ACNE!!!!! bad acne is heriditarty, and there is not much you can do other than seeing a dermotologits and getting prescription stuff which totally cleared up mine. There is NO over the counter stuff to clear up your face if it is bad acne, If its the occasionally few, then using salicylic acid type is the best, dermotologists reccomend neutrogena oil free acne wash the orange kind in the pump. acne is strictly hormonal you can wash your face fifty times a day and it wont do anything to help, only irritate what you have more. Make sure you wash your face only twice a day and rinse it COMPLETELY for like 3 minutes under water. This is all coming from a doctor not my opinion. Dont listen to the stupid comments above.How does one treat acne naturally at home. also how can it be prevented.?
proactive is the only thing i've found that helps
Ok. I am going to tell you what worked for me. In my early to mid-20's (yes late) I started developing these cysts...some were the size of a nickel on my face. After trying accutane and other dermatological products with no help, I started using PLAIN OLD RUBBING ALCOHOL on a cotton ball everyday. In two weeks, my problems were gone. I have NEVER had a single outbreak since then. You should use the alcohol at least twice per day and then follow up with a non-comedogenic, hypo-allergenic face lotion to keep from drying out. (Neutrogena has a good one, just read the label for those two items). Acne is a bacterial problem and nothing works better than alcohol. In a few weeks, your skin will be totally clear! Good luck.
Try Evening Primrose Oil. It is guaranteed to help you with your skin along with many other issues.
You can always try dabbing the blemish with Lemon Juice a few times a day.
A cheap way to get rid of blackheads and dead skin is make a paste of oatmeal and water. Apply it to your face and let it dry. Rub it off with your fingers using a lot of back and forth motion.
Drink a lot of water, and eat a balanced diet too.
Prevent: don't eat lots of chocolate or greasy foods.
Treat: Wash your face daily. (Just wait till you're a little older, zits don't only appear on your face.)
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