Friday, July 23, 2010

How can I treat back acne?

How can you treat back acne with home remedies?How can I treat back acne?
There are several natural products to help you treat acne. These products range in what they are and how they are used so it is important for you to know how to use them properly. Most of the acne skin care treatments available include a number of different vitamins, proteins and natural acids. Zinc is a natural vitamin that has been known for being effective in the treatment of acne. Another is Chromium as this too has been shown to help. Drink more Tea. Tea has extremely effective skin-healing, purifying, and antioxidant properties that have been proven to aid in acne and acne scar reduction. Red Tea and Chamomile Tea have particularly been found to be therapeutic in reducing acne, acne scars, whiteheads, and blackheads. Additionally, chamomile has been found to stop acne, especially in the essential oil form because of its powerful effects. Celestial Seasonings ( makes both chamomile and red teas and they cost relatively little. Drink about 2-3 cups a day.

You can also make an All Natural Acne-Eliminating Potion. Wash your back 2 times a day with the following: 1 Tablespoon of Witch Hazel, 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice, 1 Tablespoon of Brewed Green Tea, and 录 Cup of Baking Soda. Your skin should show a difference.

Steam your back. Take a hot shower, not scalding hot water, but hot enough for steam and let your pores open. Then place cold ice cubes on your pores once you get out. This will tighten your pores and help your acne.

I use to have bad acne on my back and by taking vitamins and using the natural scrub I was able to control it better. It didn't,however, elminate the acne all together. Hope this helps!How can I treat back acne?
There's not much for home remedies, but make sure that when you shower, you wash your back, because that's often the cause of it, but not always the cause.

and any normal acne treatment works.

Clearasil or other cheaper face washes work well, and are easy to apply in the shower.

hope I helped =]
Take a look at the sight below, it has a ton of information on just about anything you would want to know including home remedies.
Use acne soap bars with a mild benzoyl peroxide. Or have a bath with tea tree oil in the water.

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